TO OPEN GOAL: From start of area, vis;n;nod genie
Speedwalks to Area
From Tree of Life (Starburst portal) – run d4eu
From War of Wizards (Honeycomb portal) – run 8ne2nu
From Recall – run 4swndn2s2wu
**All of the above should be faster then doorway.**
Useful Aliases
Assuming speedwalk to area is GENIE
**Mini** – “GENIE;n;wish for peace;run 4n”
**GenieBow** – “GENIE;n;bow genie”
**WFF** – Wish for Forgiveness
**WFA** – Wish for Adventure
**Mush Client Plugin for Genie Aliases:** https://drive.google.com/open?id=11K8O6Kp7Z8f31481G5w6d4G8CaohrAvC
**Useful Aliases Reasons**
**Mini** – is used to get back to maze faster, group will reform at mini after each loop.
**GenieBow** – will let you get back to group after maze is finish (Note: You will need to be holding your **Tay al-Ard**).
**WFF** – activates a mobprog to get you out of the maze. You will use this alot. *MUST HAVE*
**WFA** – activates a mobprog to get you into the maze. You will use this alot. *MUST HAVE*
Parts of Genie’s Last Wish
The Maze
Wish for Forgiveness – custom mobprog that gets you out of the maze. It teleports you to the golden sands in Siren’s Oasis Resort. You need to move to the room with Graffiti, and enter trishaw there. We may end up just having someone sit in that room for hunting.
Maze Layout
From Mini “wish for adventure” to enter the maze, this takes you to R1(Random room). Which has 6 random exits, one to each of the 5 loops, and one to a fake loop.
Each loop consists of two rooms connected by a Two-Way E-W locked door. R1 exits to the west room of each loop. In the west room of each loop, there is a down exit to jail, and a door east which we can open. In addition, there is a hidden door west connecting it to another, which we can’t open. In the east room room, there is a door west which we can open and a hidden door east connecting it to another loop, which we can’t open.
The hidden doors really mean nothing. They just connect the loops to make hunting a little harder. Without this connection we could easily use hunt from R1 to see which loop is which.
Be Neutral,
Autoassist Off,
Autoloot on,
Autosac off,
To not be overweight items
Please do not not quest between loops.
Leader will No-Follow everyone, you will need to move yourself.
NOTE: I believe the mobs give items on death even if you are overweight. But better safe than sorry so make sure you will loot them.
R1(Room-1 of each loop):
– Leader will start a countdown, A tank will WFA at 3, On 0 everyone else will WFA (wish for adventure).
– Split tanks and Pheal, call for rescue if needed.
– Aim 1.Blizzard. Reversers will reverse any red generals that spawn, Dispellers will Dispel Blizzard.
– When Blizzard dies, Aim at a red aura General (do not kill the second blizzard)
– IF you Get Sand from Bizzard, give it to the keyholder ASAP.
– KeyHolder will retreat into loop1, and open door. If the door does not open we will have to kill the second Blizzard for other sand.
– After Door is open, Keyholder will tell group to WFF (wish for forgiveness). Tanks can stay in the room for a few rounds to give weaker players a chance to get out safely.
– After you WFF, You will be teleported to the golden sands in Siren’s Oasis Resort. You need to move to the room marked with Graffiti, and enter trishaw there. Then return to Mini, and pheal.
Basically, the strategy here is to get most of the party to the east loop room, then kill the blizzards for the sands, and have keyholder move into next loop with the sands(keys) and the rest of the group use WFF to exit the maze.
NOTE: When you move in If you get attacked please stay in the room for 6 seconds, then use WFF to get out. To not retreat to main group. The reason for this is so that you act as a blocker for other group members. The goal it to get as many into the room as possible with full health.
– Leader will give a path before hand. (Assume path is NE for this example) and start a countdown, A tank will WFA at 3, On “0” everyone else will send the stack “WFA;run NE”. Please be ready and send the stack on 0.
– If you do not make to the third room, stay put for two rounds then use WFF to get out. Please do not retreat to the main group, by staying in the room you act as a blocker to let others get by without getting engaged.
– Split tanks and Pheal, call for rescue if needed.
– Aim 1.Blizzard. Reversers will reverse any red generals that spawn, Dispellers will Dispel Blizzard. We will kill both blizzards.
- IF you Get Sand from Bizzard, give it to the keyholder ASAP.
– Once the keyholder has both sands, KeyHolder will enter 4.sand and retreat to next loop, and open door.
– DO NOT Enter 4.sand, or follow the keyholder unless told to.
– After Door is open, Keyholder will tell group to WFF. Tanks can stay in the room for a few rounds to give weaker players a chance to get out safely.
– After you WFF, You will be teleported to the golden sands in Siren’s Oasis Resort. You need to move to the room with Graffiti, and enter trishaw there. Then return to Mini, and pheal.
The trick here is we will need the whole group in the east room of loop5 before we can move on. And we will need to clear all the mobs in the east room of loop5.
-Group moves to east room of loop5, similar to when doing loops 1-4. Again do not retreat if engaged instead act as a blocker for two rounds then WFF.
-Anyone that got agro’ed return to mini and pheal.
-IF you make it to the east room, split tanks and pheal, and aim at the called target. IF we kill both Blizzard, two more will spawn on repop. IN most cases we will kill 1 blizzard then Yellow Blue and Red Generals, leave the second Blizzard alive till the area repops.
-Once Inside group is stable, Outsiders can try to move in again. Tank will tank R1, then tell others to go.
-This process can be repeated till everyone is with group.
Once maze is clear, the group will “bow genie” to receive yellow **Tay al-Ard**. After you receive your yellow **Tay al-Ard**, you can recall, quest, restock. If your not neutral, please get neutral. To come back, you are to wear the yellow **Tay al-Ard** and GenieBow (NOTE: See aliases at top of walkthrough).
Fat Genie
Remove your aard aura and cast sanc. If you’re not neutral, get neutral. I want everyone neutral for Dark Genie, I will start Fat Genie when 75% of the group is back.
This boss is fairly easy. After you quest ect.. (GenieBow) to get back, the battle will start with 3 players sending the command “FIND THE LAMP”, then 15 seconds later everyone else can try to “FINDTHE LAMP”.
When you “Find The Lamp“, you will enter a solo battle with a guardian. After you kill it, you will be sent the dark genie, and given and autoequip an aura that will keep you in the room for 30 seconds.
When you get bumped from fat genie room, “Find the Lamp” again to fight your way back.
We need to keep cycling into the fat genie room. If the room becomes empty, then the fat genie will heal to 100%. If that happens, then we just keep cycling.
Suggestions for Fat Genie Part
We can pheal in Fat Genie room. In addition, you need to try to blast your guardian as fast a possible. For your information, there are only 6 guardian rooms. So, you need to keep trying to “Find the Lamp” till one is empty.
If you find your guardian is to hard for you to kill, then you will need to wait till after the Fat Genie is dead to make the battle easier.
After Fat Genie’s Death
After Fat Genie is dead, the group will enter LAMP. If you are not with group, then you will need to “Find the Lamp”. After the guardian battle enter LAMP. (Note: Use (GenieBow) to get back to the section if you are outside of the area. The portal has a timer, but everyone should have ample time to get to party if they are not AFK. Group will equip Yellow **Tay al-Ard** “bow genie” to get a blue **Tay al-Ard**. DO NOT RECALL! We will be move to next boss right away.)
While you are waiting to bow, quaff your mana to max and pheal. After everyone has full hps/mana we will bow to move to next stage.
Dark Genie
This section is a 3×3 square. The main battle room is in the center. The rooms around the center have immune agro mobs which can be cleared with lamp oil. The only rooms in the section where you can quaff are west and northwest of center. All the rooms have a negative heal rate.
For this section you might need a holy weapon, an easy option is the Crusaders Tomahawk. (Note: Gullinbladnir – Freyr in Yggdrasil, [At recall, run wuwu5s8eu;enter portal;run u;enter up;run e;open up;run u]) Mercutio will bring a few Tomahawks in case some do not have one. In addition, we also need Lamp Oil from the pup section of genies. Idealy, some will be on the floor already in the section.
Lamp Oil – If the aggro mobs on the outside are targeting someone holding the lamp oil they will be cleared. So, if your tanking one pick up a lamp oil off the floor or ask someone to give you one.
Ideally there will be Lamp Oil in the NW room and the room East of the Genie. Do not pick up the oil unless you need it.
To get back to section, wear blue Tay al-Ard and GenieBow. (NOTE: See aliases at top of the walkthrough.)
KEEP AUTOASSIST OFF, key here is do not damage the Dark Genie, BlackSmiths should use a holy weapon or have autoswing off. Everyone else can use their normal damtype as long as they have autoassist off and aim of Dark Genie if they are targeting him.
The Battle
Phase 1:
– Group Enters
– Clear auras.
If you die or retreat, (GenieBow) and goto the NW to quaff/heal. Do not come back to center till you are told too.
Phase 2:
– When only 1-2 auras left, those not in center can return to center.
Phase 3:
Dark Genie Spawns side mobs at 80%/60%/40%/20% HP. You need to use normal weapons to drop genie to next spawn point. After spawn, you need to equip Holy weapons and target ranger. Once targeting ranger, you are to re-equip normal weapons.
Keep autoassist off, dark genie will kick you out of combat. If you have autoassist,on then you will be targeting the dark genie, which we do not want.
If you die or retreat, (GenieBow) and goto the NW to quaff/heal. Do not come back to center, but you should stay in the section because you need center quickly when the mob is dead.
After last spawn is clear, those not in center should east of center.
After Dark Genie’s Death
After Dark Genie is dead, the group will enter portal. Anyone not with group GenieBow To get back, go to the center room and enter portal, there is a 120 second timer on the portal, be quick!
Wear your Red Carpet(keyword carpet) (NOTE: If it’s your 1st run, then you will get one) and blue **Tay al-Ard**.
The command will be – Bow Genie;wear Red;Wish for Glory
Combine Carpets
From entrance of area, go N;wish for peace;run 3nen
1) Wear the carpet with highest runs (minimum of 5 runs)
2) Give low run carpet to tailor
After 10 runs: You gain a gold sand which can be redeemed 1N of area entrance for 2,000,000 gold by using 'wish for wealth' command.
At 35 runs: You become Rank3 and can potentially gain an EAR piece.
At 75 runs: You become Rank4 and can potentially gain either an EAR or a HEAD piece.
At 135 runs: You become Rank5 and can potentially gain an *EAR piece.
*Currently only piece known.
Guide provided by Mercutio