EpicGuides:Icefall 2
West Prize Room: unlock ceiling, up
Damp, Reverse, Pheal
Autoass OFF
Kill Shade
Check for stragglers, all in room
Leader Command: NOD
Finish Command: POP BALLOON
Token: Shade’s Emblem
Snowman King:
East Prize Room
Unlock Freezer, Down
Autoass and IF Weapons
Damp, Reverse, Pheal
Check for stragglers, all in room
Leader Command: NOD
Finish Command: SKIN RABBIT
1 North of Orbury
Leader Command: Open Safe, Get All Safe (will NOT open if people are in shade/snow rooms)
Leader Command: unmask orbury
Assign: tank, backup tank, and blockers
Leader Command: be a hero
All: energize bomb (10k mana)
Trans to Orbury when Finished
Mystic appears
Leader Command: stand, listen mystic
Leader Command: nod
All: convert fragment
Final Boss:
South to Orbury
Stage One: Pacman
Leader Command: lash orbury
Lever Window @ Center: Type: Pull Lever & type infiltrate to rejoin
Stage Two: Statues & Rockets
Pushers announce where Statues Spawn
Statues in Place and Facing Forward
Lever window - another one minute
Stage Three: Bosses
In Order: N W E S
YrelQath in south spawns crystals with colors.
White = NO SMASH
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow = SMASH THE SAME (“smash cyan”)
smash constituent colors (i.e. the 2 colors which make up the color shown)
Stage 4: OrRuby & Ruby Heroes
S Run: Blast OrRuby as fast as possible to finish him off
Damage OrRuby until Heroes Spawn (Finish for S Run)
ideally damage OrRuby down 5% at this point
After about 1 minute, 4 Heroes Spawn: 1 Hero in Each Corner & walk to Center
All: regroup
3 minutes to complete, at 1 minute mark:
Leader command: Nod
Leader command: Begin
All: pull lever